Selective Affinities
Carol Wootton
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Die Aufgehobene Zeit
Werner Schulz
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Fortis and Lenis in Germanic
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Friedrich Von Logau, the Satirist
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Almute Wedekind
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Edmund Remys
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Alfred Hoelzel
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Vernessa C. White
Petrus Lotichius Secundus, Neo-Latin Poet
Stephen Zon
From Saint to Psychotic
Maurice R. Funke
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Art and Politics in Wolfgang Koeppen's Postwar Trilogy
Richard L. Gunn
Symbolic State Politics
Linda L. M. Bennett
The Triangular Clause Relationship in Aelfric's Lives of Saints and in Other Works
Ruth Waterhouse
Consistency of Phenotype
Angelika Manyoni
The Transformation of Failure
Carole Hanbidge
The Modern Idea of the University
Jo Ann Gerdeman Thompson
The Great Debate
John H. Zammito
A Catalog of Spanish Rare Books (1701-1974) in the Library of the University of Illinois and in Selected North American Libraries
Joseph L. Laurenti and 1 more
The Subject in Rimbaud
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Natural and Conceptual Design
Joseph M. Ditta
Moment of Encounter
James Eric Lane
Lafcadio Hearn and His German Critics
Kathleen M. Webb
Early Shakespearean Actresses
John W. Crawford
Report to the King
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Kierkegaard and the Dialectics of Modernism
Jørgen S. Veisland
L'interim Fait Par Dialogues
Pierre Viret and 1 more
Au Seuil D'un Nouveau Paradigme
G. Yvette Thomas
Egon Wellesz (1885-1974)
Caroline Cepin Benser
Existence as Theme in Carlo Cassola's Fiction
Peter N. Pedroni
Le Type Du Valet Chez Molière Et Ses Successeurs, Regnard, Dufresny, Dancourt Et Lesage
Gérard Gouvernet
Textual Exile
Sante Matteo
The Boycott of the Milner Mission
John D. McIntyre
Wright Morris
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The French Procuress
Catherine Campbell
Le Théâtre De Pagnol
P. Gounelle Kline
Romantic Fallacies
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Miryam Laifer
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William of Nassington
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English Influence on American German and American Icelandic
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The Facet Analytic Approach to Research and Data Processing
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Gérard De Nerval
Marie-France Etienne
Neither Left nor Right
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Die Marxsche Aufhebung Der Philosophie Und Der Philosophische Marxismus
Joseph G. Fracchia
Nuclear Dialogues
David Weinberger
The Geometry of Vision and the Mind Body Problem
Robert E. French
La Fiction Et La Mort Dans L'oeuvre De Stéphane Mallarmé
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Helen Frink
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Without Passport
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Monique Fol
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Volgari Scelti
Bonvesin and 2 more
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Coleridge's Philosophy of Social Reform
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Puritan Race Virtue, Vice, and Values, 1620-1820
Joseph R Washington
La Femme Devant Le "Tribunal Masculin" Dans Trois Romans Des Lumières
Claudine Hunting
Villasandino Y Su Hablante Lírico
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Between Yafeth and Shem
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John Singleton's Grand Tour, 1815-1817
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Marlies Kronegger
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Naturalism and the Troubadour Ethic
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Chester Hedgepeth
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Daniel Calvez
Unborn Persons
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Intimations of Divinity
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Seeking Promethean Woman in the New Poetry
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Max Jacob and 2 more
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Etude Sur L'orientalisme d'Eugène Fromentin Dans Ses "Récits Algériens"
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Fon Victor Wan-Tatah
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Mildmay Fane and 1 more
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From Action to Interaction
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Notable Images of Virtues and Vices
Neda Jeny
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Volker Strunk
Patterns of Conflict
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The "Noble Gyn" of Comedy in the Middle English Cycle Plays
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The Writer in Transition
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Monetary Problems of an Entrepot
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Dictionary of Italian-American Poets
Ferdinando Alfonsi
Intentionality, Source of Intelligibility
Ernest Joós
Historia De La Canción Folklórica En Los Andes
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Barons Et Chevaliers Dans Raoul De Cambrai
Françoise Denis
Christina Stead's Heroine
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Design as Aesthetic Communication
Asghar Talaye Minai
Visions of the New World in the Drama of Lope De Vega
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Poetics of Valentin Kataev's Prose of the 1960S and 1970S
Ireneusz Szarycz
"To Be Once in Doubt"
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Marguerite and 1 more
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Varia Colección
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Colette Verger Michael
God and Circumstances
G. K. Watkins
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Robert Merrill
Politicians, Pupils, and Priests
V. W. Leonard
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Narratives E Narradores Em A Pedra Do Reino
Maria-Odilia Leal-McBride
The Seventeenth-Century English Hymn
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Cupid, Satyr, and the Golden Age
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Ways to Teach Biology
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The Dissident Montaigne
Max Gauna
Hispanic Rare Books of the Golden Age (1470-1699) in the Newberry Library of Chicago and in Selected North American Libraries
Joseph L. Laurenti
The Nature of Aesthetic Experience in Wordsworth
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Destiny Is Not a Matter of Chance
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Rebels With Causes
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Sholom Aleichem
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Melville's Use of Spenser
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The World of Suffering in A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu
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Environment and Health in Nineteenth Century America
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The St. Josephs-Blatt, 1896-1919
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Missionary to the Malagasy
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Gerd Gemünden
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Joseph I. Shulim
Another Reality
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Marian Price
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The Imaged Word
Ernest Smith
The Metaphysical Quality of the Tragic
Brenda J. Powell
Italia En La Vida Y Obra De Quevedo
Encarnación Juárez
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John H. Whittaker
Modernizing Germany
Richard J. Bazillion
The Forge of West German Rearmament
Montecue J. Lowry
Good Government in Spanish Naples
Antonio Calabria and 1 more
Hans Fallada Als Politischer Schriftsteller
Reinhard K. Zachau
The Divine Activity
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Bingham of the Hills
Nature and Self
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"Betwene Ernest and Game"
Alexandra Hennessey Olsen
"Down a Spiral Staircase, Never-Ending"
Judith Ann Dompkowski
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Moses M. Nagy
Textual Fidelity and Textual Disregard
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Le Marquis Et La Marquise De Sade
Alice M. Laborde
Philosophische Bemerkungen
Hero, Villain, Saint
Benjamin Drake Wright and 1 more
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Marie-Thérèse Killiam
The Allotment Movement in Britain
Denis M. Moran
Holism--a Philosophy for Today
Harry Settanni
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Henry Nash Smith and 1 more
A Relational View of the Atonement
David L. Wheeler
Cooperation to Competition
Joel D. Benson
Faithful to the Fatherland
William G. Ratliff
Egypt and the Crisis of Islam
Zahia Ragheb Dajani
The Influence of Rhetoric on Jean-Philippe Rameau's Solo Vocal Cantatas and Treatise of 1722
Lucinda Heck Sloan
The Representation of Women in the Autobiographical Novels of Raymond Queneau
Madeleine Velguth
Reverend John Walker, Renaissance Man
The Diabolical Game to Win Man's Soul
Dorothy R. Castle
The Presidential Succession of 1910
Francisco I. Madero
A Chacun Sa France
Nadine Dormoy-Savage and 1 more
Le Texte Visualisé
Nicole Marie Mosher
La Crónica Sarracina
Gloria Alvarez-Hesse
Shakespeare's Parted Eye
Robert Barnett Schwartz
The Principle of the Personality of Law in the Germanic Kingdoms of Western Europe from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century
Simeon L. Guterman
Autour De Montaigne
Roger Stéphane
Footlights Across the Border
Elizabeth C. Ramírez
Marriage and Friendship in Medieval Spain
Marilyn Stone
Folly and Intelligence in Political Thought
Thomas Mann's Fiorenza
Alba della Fazia Amoia and 1 more
The American Empirical Movement in Theology
Delores Joan Rogers
A Sampler of Plays by Women
Rhoda-Gale Pollack
The Twain Meet
Noojin Walker and 1 more
From Theology to Social Theory
Marsha Hewitt
Greene and Unamuno
Chae-sok Choe
Indo-U.S. Relations, 1947-1989
Santosh C. Saha
Romantic Spain
Gabriel H. Lovett
La Querelle Des Critiques En France À La Fin Du XIXe Siècle
Robert J. Berg
At the Intersection of Legality and Morality
Daniel W. Skubik
The Ecstasy of Catastrophe
Howard V. Hendrix
European Romanticism
Clarence Edward McClanahan
Nerval Et La Patrie Perdue
Simone Guers
L'espace Fictionnel Dans La Mise En Scène De Claude Ollier
Nicole Aas-Rouxparis
The Biblical Ethic of Love
Charles W. Carter and 1 more
The Pragmatic God
Harry J. Ausmus
Virginia Woolf
Marilyn Kurtz
Wordsworth and the Empirical Dilemma
Regina Hewitt
Scandinavian Cultural Radicalism
Scott De Francesco
Stendhal's Paper Mirror
James T. Day
History and the Paradoxes of Metaphysics in "Dantons Tod"
Rodney Taylor
Paper Counties
Michael D. Sublett
Hydropower Development in West Africa
Joseph A. Sarfoh
D.S. Merezhkovsky in Exile
Temira Pachmuss
Themes and Images in the Fictional Works of Madame De Lafayette
Ruth Willard Redhead
Geschichte Der Erlebten Rede Und Des Inneren Monologs in Der Deutschen Prosa
Werner Neuse
De Regimine Principum
Stephen Baron and 1 more
Dante and the Empire
Donna Mancusi-Ungaro
The Tension Between Divine Will and Human Free Will in Milton and the Classical Epic Tradition
Ron Featheringill
Flaubert Remembers
William VanderWolk
Codeswitching as a Worldwide Phenomenon
Rodolfo Jacobson
La Passion Isabeau
Edelgard E. DuBruck
Songs of American Experience
Marc Maufort
The Sacrifice of Isaac in Spanish and Sephardic Balladry
Alberto Barugel
Moments of Selfhood
James V. Biundo
A Rotten Way to Be Wounded
Wolfgang E. H. Rudat
The German Choral Church Compositions of Johann David Heinichen, 1683-1729
Melvin P. Unger
The Past of the Future
Anna-Marie Aldaz
Schooling to Working
Richard Lyons and 2 more
Evangelization from a Liberation Perspective
Priscilla Pope-Levison
For What May I Hope?
Gene Fendt
The Concept of Objectivity
Kenneth G. Butler
Time and Space in Euripides and Racine
Mary Pittas-Herschbach
Ritual Passages and Narrative Structures
Langdon Elsbree
Le Temps De La Confidence
Jean de Boschère and 2 more
Sexually Balanced Relationships in the Novels of D.H. Lawrence
Leo J. Dorbad
El Cosmos De Fernando Arrabal
Rino Cassanelli
José Lezama Lima
Enrique Márquez
The Existential Woman
Helene Peters
Matter, Morals, and Medicine
Michael Jerome Carella
The Greatest Good to the Greatest Number
David P. Adams
God and Subjectivity
Gerald J. Galgan
Philosophy of the Gita
Ramesh N. Patel
The Great Goddess and the Aistian World
Vincent Vycinas
Die Utopie Hoffnung Bei Luise Rinser
Gudrun Gill
Introduction to the Philosophy of Nature
Florence M. Hetzler and 1 more
Semiotics and Second-Language Pedagogy
James W. Brown
Design and Closure in Shakespeare's Major Plays
William B. Bache
Mallarmé's Divagations
Robert Greer Cohn
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Margaret H. Mills
The Dionysus Group
William Hunter Shephard
Borges and Artificial Intelligence
Ema Lapidot
Vision Voiced
Edward R. Heidt
La Visión De España De Julián Marías
María-Rosario Castro
Prepositional Analysis Within the Framework of Role and Reference Grammar
Julia Jolly
The Co-Existence of God and Evil
Jane Mary Trau
The Authentic Self
Walter LaCentra
Toward the Death of Man
From the Petition to the Strike
Richard W. Reichard
Shakespeare and Deconstruction
G. Douglas Atkins and 1 more
Reading Renaissance Drama
Lila Geller and 1 more
Bringing Heaven Down to Earth
Eric Steven Dale
Beckett's Game
Jean Yamasaki Toyama
From New York to Ibadan
Efiong Utuk
Struggling Under the Destructive Glance
Rachel Mildred Hartig
The Topology of Being
Judith Halden-Sullivan
All That God Had Done With Them
Linda M. Maloney
Confused Epiphanies
Carol M. Lazzaro-Weis
Dalla Novella Alla Commedia Pirandelliana
Domenico Maceri
The Letter Form and the French Enlightenment
John W. Howland
Government Antismoking Policies
William L. Simonich
Numerically Exceptive Logic
Wallace A. Murphree
Christian Ethics in an African Context
Dick Allen Rader
Politics, Misunderstandings, Misconceptions
Shiame Okunor
Nonrepresentational Forms of the Comic
Marcella Tarozzi Goldsmith
Francis Golffing and 1 more
Life-Shaping Decisions
Larry Cochran
The Role of the U.N. In Cyprus from 1964 to 1979
George Stergiou Kaloudis
Milton's Adam and Eve
George Musacchio
Conceptual Issues in Environmental Education
Shoshanah Keni and 1 more
The Consequence of Error and Other Language Essays
Sterling K. Eisiminger
Mass Culture in the Age of Enlightenment
Madeline Sutherland
Visions and Revisions
Oyekan Owomoyela
The Culture Shocks of Rudyard Kipling
W. J. Lohman
Surrealism and Communism
Alan Rose
Sedeq and Sedaqah in the Hebrew Bible
Ahuva Ho
Philosophical Grounds
Thomas Steven Molnar
The Voice of Rapture
Karl Eric Toepfer
Antisemitism During the French Second Empire
Natalie Isser
God, Race, Myth, and Power
Emmanuel K. Twesigye
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Milada Buda
Throwing the Scabbard Away
Robinson Blann
Willard L. Sperry
William L. Fox
Stories Within Stories
Dennis L. Seager
Lire, Enfin, Robbe-Grillet
Robert R. Brock
Traducteur Huguenot
Margaret E. Rumbold
Struggle for Dominance in the Persian Gulf
Nozar Alaolmolki
The Emergence of Zionist Thought
Monty Noam Penkower
Socrates in October
Michael Jay Katz
Socrates in August
Socrates in September
Sound and Sense
Darlene D. Mettler
El Retrato Literario En Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz
Sylvia Graciela Carullo
Richard J. Pettey
The Gift of Contingency
Marx, Morality, and the Virtue of Beneficence
Robert T. Sweet
Beatrice Cenci
Irene Musillo Mitchell
Steps Toward Salvation
Dennis L. Weeks
The Social Quest
Sandra Adickes
The Probabilist Theism of John Stuart Mill
Vatican II, Theophany, and the Phenomenon of Man
John F. Kobler
Eight Plays for Youth
Christian Hollis Moe and 1 more
The Opening of the Second World War
International Conference on International Relations and 1 more
A Theology of Compromise
Richard Grecco
Trinitarian Hermeneutics
Benjamin Leslie C.
The Fortunate Adversities of William Bligh
Roy E. Schreiber
Music in the Nachtwachen
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The Critical Panopticon
Mohammad Kowsar
The Prophetic Novel
Molly Daniels-Ramanujan
Physical Science for the Elementary Teacher
Paul B. Otto
An Old Norse Biblical Compilation
Reidar Astås
Cultural Diffusion of Spanish Humanism in New Spain
Diane M. Bono and 1 more
Shepherding the Flock of God
Robert Allen Krupp
The Medieval Dalmatian Episcopal Cities
Joan Dusa
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Sarah Larratt Keefer
Art and Philosophy
Florence M. Hetzler
The Luminous Ones
Elizabeth Nash
Georg Trakl and the Brenner Circle
Richard Detsch
A Study of Heinrich Ott's Theological Development
Colin B. O'Connell
Positive Negatives
Crerar Douglas
The Poetry of Paul Celan
Haskell M. Block and 1 more
The Female Voice in Contemporary Brazilian Narrative
Susan Canty Quinlan
John Henry Newman's Rhetoric
John Britt
Formation Du Concept De Sentimentalisme Dans La Littérature Russe
Inna Gorbatov
Poética De Transgresión En La Novelística De Luisa Valenzuela
Juanamaría Cordones-Cook
Arctic Journeys
Miller Graf
La Crítica Teatral En ABC, 1918-1936
Vance R. Holloway
The French Anarchist Labor Movement and "La Vie Ouvrière", 1909-1914
Francis McCollum Feeley and 1 more
Ultimate Hope Without God
Thomas H. West
Blood on the Shamrock
Mark J. Hurley
Woodrow Wilson, Architect of World War II
Murray L. Eiland
English Hymns of the Eighteenth Century
Richard Arnold
The Challenge of Educational Innovation and National Development in Southern Africa
Dickson A. Mungazi
Ways of Thinking
James Davies
Prefacing the Waverley Prefaces
Patricia Sullivan Gaston
Poetic Truth and Transvaluation in Nietzsche's Zarathustra
Distancia E Inmersión En El Teatro De Buero Vallejo
Mary Kathleen Rice
Aspects of the Slavic Middle Ages and Slavic Renaissance Culture
Henrik Birnbaum
Three Victorians in the New World
Helen Heineman
The Woman as Survivor
Aleidine Kramer Moeller
The Ethics of Life and Death With Heinrich Von Kleist
Joseph O. Baker
Vietnam's Social and Political Development as Seen Through the Modern Novel
Ngoc Thành Hoàng
The Poor in the Ecclesiology of Juan Luis Segundo
Mary Kaye Nealen
Lorca, Alberti, and the Theater of Popular Poetry
Sandra Cary Robertson
Dialogue With Heidegger on Values
Critical Hermeneutics and Shakespeare's History Plays
William M. Hawley
Logos and Existence
Donald R. Ferrell
Serafín Estébanez Calderón
Ronald J. Quirk
Enfoque Lingüístico Al Idioma Español
Philip W. Klein
The Refining Fire
Laura Elizabeth Niesen De Abruña
William James and the Affirmation of God
George P. Graham
The Mysticism of William Law
George E. Clarkson
Towards a Theory of Text for Contrastive Rhetoric
James E. Martin
The Opposition Years
Frank A. Mayer
Menippean Elements in Paul Scarron's Roman Comique
Barbara L. Merry
The Criterion of Truth
Ralph Doty
The Family Novel
Yi-ling Ru
Trinity and Process
Gregory A. Boyd
The Plays of Michel Vinaver
Kevin Elstob
T.S. Eliot and the Heritage of Africa
Robert F. Fleissner
The Beginning of the Gospel According to Saint John
James R. Mensch
Lettres De Cachet and Social Control in the Ancien Régime, 1659-1789
Brian Eugene Strayer
Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction
Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz
Letters from the War
Franz Marc and 2 more
The Landscape of the Mind
Life-Sharing for a Creative Tomorrow
Mary Rose Barral
Prophets in Babylon
Margaret C. Jones
Judith A. Barad
The Japan Experience
Belle Marsh Poate and 2 more
Antoinette Suzanne Emch-Dériaz
Solidarity as Hermeneutic
Darlene Ann Peitz
The Infinite Passion of Finite Hearts
Pratul Pathak
John Calvin and the Jews
Jack Hughes Robinson
The Philosopher of Free Religion
Creighton Peden
The Prose Alexander of Robert Thornton
Julie Chappell and 2 more
Literary Objets D'art
Linda M. Clemente
Collaborative Latin American Popular Theatre
Elena De Costa
Lectures on Metaphysics, 1934-1935
G. E. Moore and 2 more
Passionate Form
James B. Sipple
Blessing and Curse in Syro-Palestinian Inscriptions of the Iron Age
Timothy G. Crawford
The Frailest Leaves
John E. Schwiebert
The Selection Process of the National Endowment for the Arts Theatre Program
Stephen Michael Ayers
Religion, State, and Society in Contemporary Africa
Austin Metumara Ahanotu and 2 more
The Politics of Madness
Hope Landrine
Ironía E Ideología En La Regenta De Leopoldo Alas
Luis Felipe Díaz
Dictionnaire De Fréquence Des Mots Du Français Parlé Au Québec
Normand Beauchemin and 2 more
Lonergan on Conversion
Mary Kay Kinberger
Internationalism and the Three Portugals
Francis Millet Rogers and 1 more
The Understanding of Difference in Heidegger and Derrida
Douglas L. Donkel
Foundations of Modern Church History
Frank Kaufmann
The Sounds of the Girgenti Dialect, and Their Development
Luigi Pirandello and 1 more
Das Selbstzitat Bei Thomas Mann
Gert E. Bruhn
Contractarian Liberal Ethics and the Theory of Rational Choice
Jung Soon Park
Social Ethics and the Return to Cosmology
Moni McIntyre
The Colors of the Aeneid
Robert Joseph Edgeworth
Science, Religion, and Belief
Rogers Blood Miles
Octavio Paz and the Language of Poetry
Leticia Iliana Underwood
Regular Confession
Arthur Barker Chappell
The Grounds and Limits of Political Obligation
Emile Capriotti
Myths and Realities of French Imperialism in India, 1763-1783
Sudipta Das
Tutankhamun and the Sporting Tradition
Zaki Ibrahim El Habashi
Escritura Sin Fronteras
Mirta Camandone
From Ejido to Metropolis, Another Path
David Cymet
A Moving River of Tears
The Manifestation of Analogous Being in the Dialectic of the Space-Time Continuum
David A. Harris
The Myth of the Fall and Walker Percy's Last Gentleman
Bernadette Prochaska
East Asian Philosophy
John E. Ho
Of Kings and Poets
Ingrid Bahler and 1 more
Bettering Our Condition
Philip J. Chmielewski
The Shapes and Styles of Asian American Prose Fiction
Esther Mikyung Ghymn
The Primordial Image
Ikenna Dieke
Structures De La Pensée
Edouard J. Matte
Forging the King's Sword
John Moncure
Exploitation, Unequal Exchange, and Dependency
Paul O. Otubusin
From Patients to Persons
Janet Vice
Sam Shepard on the German Stage
Carol Benet
The Inward Revolution
Alex J. Tuss
Frances Trollope's America
Linda A. Ellis
Isolation and Masquerade
Frances W. Kaye
An Introduction to the Syllogism and the Logic of Proportional Quantifiers
Bruce E. R. Thompson
Yves Thériault
M. G. Hesse
Wilde's Use of Irish Celtic Elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray
David A. Upchurch
The Pilgrim and the Book
Julia Bolton Holloway
In the Interstices of the Tale
Kathy Miller Hadley
A Historical Commentary on the Major Catholic Works of Cardinal Newman
John R. Griffin
The Dalton School
Susan F Semel
The Complete Plays
Thomas Legge and 1 more
Mariano José De Larra
Alvin F. Sherman
Eugene O'Neill in Court
Madeline C. Smith and 1 more
La Distorsión De La Lógica Y La Polifonía En La Prosa De Quevedo
Mirta A. González
Antonio Enríquez Gómez
Nechama Kramer-Hellinx
Henry James and the Morality of Fiction
Greg W. Zacharias
Princes, Soldiers, and Rogues
James R. Keller
An Inquiry Into Narrative Deception and Its Uses in Fielding's Tom Jones
J. F. Smith
Between Peasant and Urban Villager
Michael J. Eula
Arms Control and Military Preparedness from Truman to Bush
Martin E. Goldstein
Roger Williams' Dream for America
Donald Skaggs
Murdoch Vs. Freud
Jack Turner
So Hard the Stones
Spinoza's Ethics
Lewis Schipper
La Ficción De Gabriel García Márquez
Edward W. Hood
The Fall of the Mantle
Bridges to an American City
Sidney Sorkin
Mexican Catholicism in Southern California
Jeffrey S. Thies
Yeats's Book of the Nineties
Stephen W. Myers
Las Novelas De Las Compañías
Angel T. Santiago Soto
Church, City, and Labyrinth in Brontë, Dickens, Hardy, and Butor
Marilyn Thomas Faulkenburg
Medieval Balladry and the Courtly Tradition
Gwendolyn A. Morgan
George Eliot and the Conventions of Popular Women's Fiction
Susan Rowland Tush
This Side of Paradise as a Bildungsroman
Jack Hendriksen
Middle English Historiography
Robert A. Albano
The Matriarch's Power
Beth Ann Bassein
Aristotle's Eudaemonia, Terminal Illness, and the Question of Life Support
Juliet Cassuto Rothman
Echoes of Germanic Poetry in the Work of Gustave Roud
Ursula Kobiljak
True Lies
Jim McGhee
Plotinus, Tolma, and the Descent of Being
N. Joseph Torchia
Herbert Feis, Wilsonian Internationalism, and America's Technological-Democracy
Dennis Yergler
The Ironic Space
William Roberson
Adapted to the Lake
George Klawitter
La Mythologie Matriarcale Chez Claudel, Montherlant, Crommelynck, Ionesco, Et Genet
Gisèle Féal
Home as Creation
Wilma Else Detjens
An Annotated Bibliography and Study of the Contemporary Criticism of Tennyson's Idylls of the King, 1859-1886
Aletha Andrew
De La Península Hacia Latinoamérica
Pércio B. de Castro
El Palimpsesto Del Calco Aparente
Daniel Torres
Jane Austen at Play
Kuldip Kaur Kuwahara
Adorno Und Derrida, Oder, Wo Liegt Das Ende Der Moderne?
Holger Mathias Briel
The British Experience With River Pollution, 1865-1876
Lawrence E. Breeze
Jean Genet
Harry E. Stewart and 1 more
Lev Shestov and His Times
Andrius Valevicius
Paul Valéry, the Search for Intelligence
Franz Kafka
Directing Poiesis
Naum Panovski
At Hard Labor
Elinor Myers McGinn
Le Monde De Boris Vian Et Le Grotesque Litteraire
Nicole Buffard-O'Shea
Business Ethics
Sherwin Klein
Rosary, Mat and Molo
Oumarou Watta and 1 more
The Resurrection of the Body
Kathryn A. Walterscheid
The Body in Illness and Health
Anita G. Gorman
The Great War and the American Novel
William E. Matsen
Women in Robbe-Grillet
Lillian D. Roland
The Metaphor of the Kiss in Renaissance Poetry
Ruth A. Gooley
Creative Grace
Stephen F. Dintaman
Frank Norris
Jennifer Boyd
Thomas Mante, Writer, Soldier, Adventurer
Organicism as Reenchantment
James Kirk
Perfil Del Teatro De La Revolución Mexicana
Marcela del Río
The Turn of the Screw
Sigrid Renaux
Ibargüengoitia En Excélsior, 1968-1976
Ernest Rehder and 1 more
Metaphor, Meaning, and Cognition
Don Ross
Kant's Philosophy of Hope
Curtis H. Peters
Condition Zero
Norman Loftis
The Rhetoric of David O. McKay
Richard N. Armstrong
Out from Under the Artist's Brush
Julie A. Molnar
The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Change in America
John R. Vile
Wives, Widows, Witches & Bitches
Janet A. Thompson
Anne Hutchinson, Guilty or Not?
Jean Cameron
The Tragicomic Passion
Faye Ran
The Man Who Sacked Rome
Vincent J. Pitts
The Games of Poetics
Ruth E. Burke
Garabombo, the Invisible
Manuel Scorza
Water and Storm Polemics Against Baalism in the Deuteronomic History
Fred E. Woods
Just Wages for Church Employees
Frank D. Almade
The Kerygma of the Wilderness Traditions in the Hebrew Bible
Terry L. Burden
The Wisdom of Many, the Vision of One
Marvin D. L. Lansverk
The Siege of Mazagão
John R. C. Martyn
The Festival of San Giovanni
Heidi L. Chrétien
David Blundell
The Early Unpublished Poems of Edith Sitwell
Edith Sitwell and 2 more
Robert Henryson's Tragic Vision
Steven R. McKenna
Puritan Sensibility in T.S. Eliot's Poetry
Dal-Yong Kim
Art, Rebellion and Redemption
Romanus Okey Muoneke
Earning Their Stripes
Robert Wm Kirk
Images of Mothers in Literature for Young Adults
Rhoda J. Maxwell
Adam's Apple
Dante Cantrill
On Genius
Jerry S. Clegg
The Old Regime Collèges, 1789-1795
Charles R. Bailey
Why Be Moral?
John Frederick Van Ingen
Fiction Et Faillite
Patricia Reynaud
The Early Commedia Dell'arte (1550-1621)
Paul C. Castagno
Bernhard Welte's Fundamental Theological Approach to Christology
Anthony J. Godzieba
Southern Accents
Catherine Clark Graham
Slavery and the Catholic Tradition
Stephen F. Brett
On Being the Church in the United States
Barry Penn Hollar
Rhetorical Mosaic for a Kaleidoscope of Sound
The Laude in the Middle Ages
Vincenzo Traversa
Rationality and Revelation in Rahner
Christopher F. Schiavone
Paseos En El Horizonte
José Sanjinés
From Existence to the Ideal
Regina O. M. Dell'Oro
The Bounds of Freedom
Oded Balaban and 1 more
John À Lasco in England
Dirk W. Rodgers
John Bunyan on the Order of Salvation
P. de Vries
Jesus and Liberation
Carlos R. Piar
Pedro Salinas' Theater of Self-Authentication
Stephanie L. Orringer
Pedro Prado
Equity and Excellence in Higher Education
Alan R. Sadovnik
Israel and the Church in the Gospel of Matthew
Richard E. Menninger
Rewriting Greece
Constantin Toloudis
Spanish Golden Age Autobiography in Its Context
Rainer H. Goetz
Revisionist Resurrection Mythologies
Jill Franks
Patricia M. Puccinelli
Metaphor's Way of Knowing
Patricia L. Hagen
Eugenio Cambaceres
Patricia Bazán-Figueras
Le Surréalisme Et Le Mythe
Annette Tamuly
The International Theme in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Literature
Elizabeth A. Weston
The Turn of the Century
William B. Schafer
A Music of Grace
Jeanne Foster
The Counterfeit Wisdom of Shallow Minds
Lawrence LeRoy Habermehl
Liberty and Morality
Charles W. Snyder
Crime and Punishment in New Hampshire, 1812-1914
Timothy Dodge
Christian Controversy in Alexandria
Everett Procter
The Special Artist in American Culture
Nancy L. Gustke
Politics of the Theological
Barry Harvey
T.W. Robertson and the Prince of Wales's Theatre
Daniel Barrett
Over Her Dead Body
Judy Maloof
The Radiant Shock of Death
Richard Hughes
Scandinavia in the European World-Economy, Ca. 1570-1625
John P. Maarbjerg
For Honor or Destiny
Donald A. Rakestraw
The Boston Mayor Who Became Truman's Secretary of Labor
Vincent A. Lapomarda
Levinas Beyond the Horizons of Cartesianism
Anthony F. Beavers
The Pursuit of Power
Ellwood Johnson
Secular Darkness
James R. Durham
Atoms, Pleasure, Virtue
Avraam Koen
Enemies of the Bay Colony
Philip Ranlet
From Myth to Modern Mind
Richard H. Schlagel
Charles Heber Clark, a Family Memoir
Charles Heber Clark and 1 more
Los Espacios Poéticos De Rubén Darío
José María Martínez Domingo
The Amelioration of the Slaves in the British Empire, 1790-1833
Robert E. Luster
Sam Shepard
Laura J. Graham
The Letter and the Spirit
Wai-Shing Chau
Cocoa Diseases and Politics in Ghana, 1909-1966
Francis K. Danquah
Germany's 19th Century Cassandra
Jonathan F. Wagner
Elias Canetti, or, The Failing of the Novel
Robert Elbaz and 1 more
The Marxian Hermeneutics of Fredric Jameson
Christopher Wise
Le Babil Et La Caresse
Enzo Neppi
The Theater of Healing
E. D. Karampetsos
Linguistic Theory, Language Contact, and Modern Hindustani
Rajendra Singh
Notes from the Periphery
Susan P. Castillo
Family and Society in the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell
E. Holly Pike
The Desolation of Reality
William R. Brashear
Paul Valéry
Sacred Sacrifice
Rick Franklin Talbott
Finding a Voice
Marilya Veteto-Conrad
Borges and the European Avant-Garde
Linda S. Maier
The Old Retold
H. J. Schueler
Gathering Under the Mango Tree
Feminism and Modern Jewish Theological Method
Lori Krafte-Jacobs
In Defense of Metaphysics
Yuval Stienitz
Arnold Toynbee and the Western Tradition
Marvin Perry
Beyond Understanding
Martha L. Henning
Opening Nights
John W. Pereira
Lurking Feminism
Jenni Dyman
The Post-Colonial Society
Mohamed Hagi Abucar
Nurses' Questions/women's Questions
Susan Rimby Leighow
"The Time Gives It Proofe"
Sylvia Imeson
Golgotha and Götterdämmerung
Samuel P. Scheibler
Keeper of the Protocols
Joe Martin
To Love the Good
Patricia J. O'Connor
Selected Peak Marking Features in the Gospel of John
Steve Booth
Feeding the Dying
Patricia A. Talone
Pedro Nunes (1502-1578)
Human Language and Knowledge in the Light of Chalcedon
Stephen W. Need
At the Bivouac of Memory
James A. Kaser
A Map With Utopia
Jody Price
Signs of the Times
Brian D. Stenfors and 1 more
The Piano Sonatas of Carl Loewe
John Salmon
Hernando Del Pulgar
Fernando del Pulgar and 1 more
The Heirs of Jane Austen
Rachel R. Mather
The Liminal Novel
Wangari wa Nyatetõu-Waigwa
Loing Du Soleil
Marc Grignon
The Development of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Yoruba (African) Indigenous Christian Movement
Caleb Oluremi Oladipo
Puzzled Which to Choose
Louis J. Parascandola
Mark Van Doren
J. T. Ledbetter
To Receive a Text
Linda L. Gaither
The Long Awaited Moment
Tom Behan
The Birth of God
Richard Courtney
Faith and Social Justice in the Teaching of Pope John Paul II
Gerard Beigel
The Imperatives of Power
Pedro Noguera
Plato's Epistemology
Elizabeth A. Laidlaw-Johnson
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Jeffrey Thomas Oxford
The Temptations of Emile Cioran
William Kluback and 1 more
The Infinitude of the Private Man
Sallee Fox Engstrom
Learning to Heal
Luz María Hernández Sáenz
The Episode at Lystra
Marianne Fournier
Personality, Spirit, and Ethics
Howard Alexander Slaatte
Vers Une Approche Variationiste Du Discours
Sylvie Dubois
Poetics in the Poem
Dorothy Zayatz Baker
The Moral Philosophy of R.M. Hare
Patrick A. Adu-Amankwah
The Punishment of Crime in Colonial New York
Dennis Sullivan
Essays in Diakonia
Robert Slesinski
The Illusion of Victory
W. Vincent Arnold
Churchill, Munitions, and Mechanical Warfare
Eugene Edward Beiriger
Response to Failure
Pushpa Naidu Parekh
Whom Wind & Waves Obey
Jón Vídalín
Fulbe Presence in Sierra Leone
M. Alpha Bah
Out of a Kantian Chrysalis?
Ronald McCamy
English Canadian Theatre, 1765-1826
Y. S. Bains
Samuel Richardson's New Nation
Ewha Chung
Gertrude Stein's The Making of Americans
George B. Moore
A Chorus of Different Voices
Angelika E. Sauer and 1 more
Life After Death?
Jay D. Robison
The World Remade
Elliott Malamet
Cultic Sites in the Tribe of Benjamin
Scott M. Langston
Myth as Genre in British Romantic Poetry
Paul M. Wiebe
The Rise of Historicism in Russia
Edward C. Thaden
Pragmatism and Philosophical Anthropology
Sami Pihlström
From Suffrage to Internationalism
Beryl Haslam
Collective Absolute Presuppositions
Sharon Peebles Burch
Living Ethically in Christ
Mark C. Miller
John Berryman's Personal Library
Richard J. Kelly and 1 more
Utopian Colleges
Constance Cappel
Nova Doctrina Vetusque
Fredric W. Schlatter and 2 more
Conscience & Community
Paul N. Ylvisaker and 1 more
Consensus Democracy?
Gunther M. Hega
'Tis All One
Mary Murphy Schmelzer
American Young Adult Novels and Their European Fairy-Tale Motifs
Lucia Huang
Marie Vianney Bilgrien
Each One Must Shine
Alan Cockerill
Visita Nos
Thomas S. Ferguson
Modern Fiction and the Art of Subversion
Jonathan Quick
The Achievement of Gerald Warner Brace
William Connor
Lear's Daughters
Rebecca B. Gauss
The Voices of African American Women
Yvonne Johnson
Niebuhr, Hromadka, Troeltsch, and Barth
Kosuke Nishitani
Progress and a Mexican American Community's Struggle for Existence
Pete R. Dimas
The Sound of Silence
Anju Kanwar
Annotations on the Philosophy of Values
Carlos Ramos Mattei
The Mystery of the Trinity in the Theological Thought of Pope John Paul II
Antoine Nachef
Berger's Dual-Citizenship Approach to Religion
Annette Ahern
Theos, Anthropos, Christos
Roy Abraham Varghese
Teachers' Pedagogical Thinking
Pertti Kansanen
Authentic African Christianity
Peter Nlemadim DomNwachukwu
Mapping the Landscape
Susan E. Emilsen and 1 more
In Pursuit of Love
Horst Höhne
Woman as Individual in English Renaissance Drama
Carol Hansen
Endoxic Method and Ethical Inquiry
Michael Finkenthal
Childhood and the Nation in Latin American Literature
Richard L. Browning
The King's Towns
Lorraine Christine Attreed
European Lyric Folkdrama
Robert M. Farrington
George John Pinwell
Pamela White Trimpe and 1 more
Towards a Theology of God the Father
Margaret M. Turek
The Metaphysics of Theism and Modality
Richard Brian Davis
Towards an Ecumenical Liberation Theology
Leslie R. James
Clarissa's Narrators
Victor J. Lams
Paradigms from Luke-Acts for Multicultural Communities
Richard B. Harms
Awakening to an Uncertain Future
George N. Lundskow
Juan Ignacio Molina
Charles E. Ronan
Tender Consciousness
Laura Jane Ress
Five Texts in Etruscan
Ilse Nesbitt Jones
A History of Memorial Day
Richard P. Harmond and 1 more
A Very Present Help in Trouble
Jón Steingrímsson and 1 more
Painting Berlin Stories
Patricia McDonnell
Orestes Brownson and the Problem of Revelation
Arie J. Griffioen
Kant's Correspondence Theory of Truth
Lori J. Underwood
A Hermeneutical Approach to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative
Catherine L. Caufield
Shall We Sin?
Jeffrey K. Mann
The Peasant and the Pen
George Guida
Gender and Realism in Plays and Performances by Women
Leslie Crawford Hurley
The Creative Conscience as Human Destiny
Eduard Hugo Strauch
Metaphors in Grass' Die Blechtrommel
Antoinette T. Delaney
Physician Heal Thyself
Marynita Anderson Nolosco
Pontmain, Prophecy, and Protest
Cheryl A. Porte
What Is Dramaturgy?
Bert Cardullo
The Groupe Des Dombes
Catherine E. Clifford
Self-Fashioning in Margaret Atwood's Fiction
Cynthia G. Kuhn
Theology of the Gap
Scot Douglass
Engrafted Into Christ
Christopher J Malloy
Musica Christi
Marion Lars Hendrickson
Representation and Substitution in the Atonement Theologies of Dorothee Sölle, John Macquarrie, and Karl Barth
Jeannine M. Graham
"Public Religion" and the Pancasila-Based State of Indonesia
Benyamin Fleming Intan
Three Italian Epistolary Novels
Simon Episcopius' Doctrine of Original Sin
Mark A. Ellis
Death by Despair
Ramón Martínez de Pisón L.
Organic Homiletic
Richard Hee-Chun Park
Gustaf Wingren and the Swedish Luther Renaissance
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
From Child to Elder
Alan Pope
The Art of Dying
Deborah S. Gentry
From Critical Theology to a Critical Theory of Religious Insight
Marc P. Lalonde
Personal Being
Andrew T. Grosso
And Though This World With Devils Filled
Jón Magnússon and 1 more
The Aesthetic Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Jason Paul Bourgeois
Missional Ecclesiologies in Creative Tension
Joon-Sik Park
Preaching to Second Generation Korean Americans
Matthew D. Kim
The Colossian and Ephesian Haustafeln in Theological Context
James P. Hering
Mission from a Position of Weakness
Paul Yonggap Jeong
The Wisdom of Zhuang Zi on Daoism
Zhuangzi and 1 more
Modern Intellectual Readings of the Kharijites
Hussam S. Timani
The Making of Americans in Paris
Noel Sloboda
Complexity, Multi-Disciplinarity, and Beyond
The Relevance of Bernard Lonergan's Notion of Self-Appropriation to a Mystical-Political Theology
Ian B. Bell
Issues in Bioethics and the Concept of Scale
William A. Cook
Maternal Conditions
Melissa A. Schoeffel
Jovan BrkiÔc
Across Three Continents
Katerina Bodovski
Women’s Concerns
Jill Jepson
The Art of Kunst
Thomas A. Kovach
Selected Short Works by Klaus Mann
Timothy K. Nixon
An Artist as Soldier
Barbara Schmitter Heisler
Evelyn Grill’s «The Antwerp Testament»
Jean M. Snook
The ‘People’s Joan of Arc’
Brooke Speer Orr
The Mystery Hidden for Ages in God
Paul M. Quay
C.P. Snow’s «Strangers and Brothers» as Mid-Twentieth-Century History
Terrance L. Lewis
The Continuum of Consciousness
Jennifer Eimers
Defining Species
John S. Wilkins
Pro-Justice Ethics
Richard A. Hughes
The Best Surgeon in England
Lynda Payne
The Person Vanishes
Yoram Lubling
The Concept of Logical Consequence
Matthew W. McKeon
Prelude to Disaster
John L. Bullion
Philosophical Genealogy- Volume I
Brian Lightbody
Philosophical Genealogy- Volume II
Peace in Motion
Yoram Lubling and 1 more
The Causal Exclusion Problem
Dwayne Moore
Walter Kasper's Response to Modern Atheism
Ralph N. McMichael
Philosophic Thoughts
Gary James Jason
Dialogic Materialism
Miriam Jordan-Haladyn
The Quicksands of Belief
Janet Winn Boehm
Berkeley's Common Sense and Science
Marek Tomecek
Feminist Theologies for a Postmodern Church
Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
The Antiphilosophers
Steven L. Bindeman
The Supersensible in Kant’s «Critique of Judgment»
Julie N. Books
In the Beginning Is Philosophy
Brayton Polka
Small-Town Protestantism in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Michael B. McDuffee
What Is Film?
The Apotheosis of Nullity
Bartosz ?ubczonok
Harmony and Exchange
Ramin Jahanbegloo and 1 more
Death and Dying, Spirituality and Religions
Lucy Bregman
The Philosophical Future
Charles R. Reid
Evagrio Póntico y la acedia
Rubén Peretó Rivas
International Justice After the Cold War
Aleksandar Jokic
Sex, Gender, and Religion
Jenny Daggers
Love and Reading
Gerald J Butler
Christian Theology in a Pluralistic Context
Steven L. Wiebe
The Restoration of Israel
Gerhard Falk
Edith Stein and the Body-soul-spirit at the Center of Holistic Formation
Marian Maskulak
Pagans and Practitioners
Alf H. Walle
Mah?y?na Phoenix
John Harding
Voices of Marginality
Gregory Lee Cuéllar
The Subjective Dimension of Human Work
Deborah Savage
Islam and the Métropole
Ben Hardman
Eduard Boehl’s (1836-1903) Concept for a Re-Emergence of Reformation Thought
Thomas R.V. Forster
The Christology of John Macquarrie
Naomi Purdy
Mission, Communion and Relationship
Peter Addai-Mensah
Doxology and Theology
Paul Galbreath
The Sacramentality of Preaching
Todd Townshend
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa
Evanson N. Wamagatta
Conjugal Chastity in Pope Wojtyla
Fr. Ailbe M. O'Reilly
Authority and Obedience
Gregory Vanderbilt
An Ecofeminist Perspective on Ash Wednesday and Lent
Sylvia S. Sweeney
Post-Metaphysics and the Paradoxical Teachings of Jesus
Cameron Freeman
An Assessment of Contemporary Models of Forgiveness
Célestin Musekura
German Mysticism and the Politics of Culture
Ulrike Wiethaus
Medieval Women on Sin and Salvation
Mary Lou Shea
Ethics after Auschwitz?
Carole J. Lambert
Theology as Ascetic Act
Nathan G. Jennings
The Principle of Subsidiarity in Catholic Social Thought
Simeon Tsetim Iber
Justice as Equality
Anna Kasafi Perkins
Confessions of Love
Craig J. N. de Paulo
Subjectivity of «Différance»
Heecheon Jeon
Franz Rosenzweig’s Rational Subjective System
Alin V. Bontas
Aquinas’s Notion of Pure Nature and the Christian Integralism of Henri de Lubac
Fr. Bernard Mulcahy
Anglican Church Policy, Eighteenth Century Conflict, and the American Episcopate
Kenneth R. Elliott
Reasonableness of Faith
Tony Kim
Limits and Life
Sigurdur Arni Thordarson
Religion, Law, and the Present Water Crisis
The Term «Person» in the Trinitarian Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
Theodore James Whapham
Story and Song
HyeRan Kim-Cragg
God the Father in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
John Baptist Ku
Maritain, Religion, and Education
Luz M. Ibarra
The «Imago Dei» as the »Imago Trinitatis»
Isaiah Nengean
Anthropology from Asian Missiological Insights
Man Soo Mok
Existence as Prayer
Mark L. Yenson
Using the Psychology of Attraction in Christian Outreach
Wendy L. Patrick
The Spiritual Narratives of Adoptive Parents
Ryan Noel Fraser
«Yin-Yang» Interplay
Bit-shing Abraham Chiu
The Aesthetics of Grace
Corrado Federici
The Evolution of a Muslim Democrat
Charles Allers
The Unknown Christ of Christianity
Enrico Beltramini
«Ordnung in Gemeinschaft»
Nathan Howard Yoder
Thoughts on Francis of Assisi
Latifah Troncelliti
Finding God in Solitude
Donald S. Whitney
The Future of Church Planting in North America
Damian Emetuche
The Most Precious Possession
Eliezer Segal
Heaven and Humans Are One
Insights While Suffering
Mark Slatter
Black Fatherhood, Adoption, and Theology
Michael Lee Cook
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White’s Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889
Theodore N. Levterov
H. Sidky
Preaching to Multiethnic Congregation
Woosung Calvin Choi
Catholics and Millennialism
Warren A. Kappeler III
Division, Diversity, and Unity
James E. Pedlar
Church and Chapel in Industrializing Society
D. R. Wilson
Spinoza's Philosophy of Divine Order
Ben Stahlberg
God and Human Freedom
My People as Your People
Chris McKinny
Dorotheos of Gaza and the Discourse of Healing in Gazan Monasticism
Kyle A. Schenkewitz
Measuring Change
Jeremy M. Wallace
Redeemed at Countless Cost
Stewart A. Dippel
Incorruptible Love
Jia Ma and 1 more
Old Paths and New Ways
Robert Lilleaasen
Socialist Literature
Abdulla M. Al-Dabbagh
Adapting Shahrazad’s Odyssey
Eda Dedebas Dundar
Claude Monet, Free Thinker
Michael J. Call
Shakespeare and Saturn
Peter D. Usher
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities at Beacon College
William Nesbitt
From Critical Theory to Critical Political Theology
Rudolf J. Siebert
Women and Contemporary World Literature
Deborah Weagel
Violent Disruptions
Linda Chavers
Identity Construction and (Mis) Perceptions on Being Black in South Africa
Urmilla Bob and 2 more
William D. Prigge
The Foundations of Industrialism
Robert Leroux